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Three points of daily operation can make the industrial water cooler more energy efficient and save electricity
2017-05-13 08:26:48http://www.szdxj.com admin
First, to prevent and reduce the industrial cold water pipe fouling, used to improve the condenser and evaporator heat transfer efficiency. Supplementary water treatment if you do not, calcium carbonate and calcium magnesium carbonate and magnesium bicarbonate caused by heat deposition in pipeline. The performance of the condenser and the evaporator is reduced, and the electricity cost of the chiller is greatly increased. In addition to the use of water treatment technology at the moment, you can also use the pipeline cleaning equipment regularly for pipe cleaning, save electricity while improving the cooling effect of water chiller.
Two, adjust the reasonable running load of the industrial chiller. In the case of ensuring the safe operation of the chiller, the host group operates at 70%-80% load, and the power consumption per unit of cooling is less than that of the 100% load. In this way, the pump should be combined with the operation of the water pump and cooling tower.
Three. Reduce the condensing temperature to the industrial water cooler. On the premise of meeting the safety and production requirements of the chiller, the evaporation temperature and condensation temperature will be increased as much as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the cooling water tower to ensure the cooling water efficiency.
Industrial chillers provide industrial cooling water for all walks of life. Application chillers can be concentrated, each unit cooled to meet a variety of requirements, or dispersed in each application or device has its own refrigerator, each method has its advantages. The commonly used industrial chillers include: screw chiller, air-cooled chiller, water cooling machine, cold water machine, open type cold water machine, cold water machine, acid and alkali, and how customers should choose chillers for their own factories, factory is required according to the actual demand to determine the type and type of cold water machine.
For more information, please contact us: Mr. Wang, 13923464030, Tel: 0755-81715045 or login at our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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