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The wide use of refrigeration in the food industry
2017-05-08 08:53:03http://www.szdxj.com admin
Now the table dishes of our growing rich past in the city to see the farm fresh vegetable, and are not a problem in. All these can not be separated from the refrigeration. Or those that we eat in our daily lives that are not produced in season are stored in cold storage. And we live in the city, to eat fresh vegetables in the season you need the help of cold chain.
The definition of "cold chain of agricultural products cold chain logistics development plan" is to say: the fresh agricultural products (meat, poultry, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc.) from the origin (harvest or slaughter, fishing), in product processing, storage, transportation, distribution, retail and other sectors is always in low temperature control the appropriate environment, special food supply chain system to ensure maximum product quality and safety, reduce loss, prevent pollution.
With the increasing demand of cold chain logistics of agricultural products, China's efforts to promote the development of agricultural products cold chain logistics. In recent years, the continuous introduction of relevant national policies for agricultural products cold chain logistics to create a profound policy environment to promote the industry to accelerate the development of.
According to the understanding of the East Star, China after joining the world trade organization, foreign retail giants and food enterprises gradually enter the country, but the fresh products procurement has a strict standard, which puts forward higher requirements on the domestic cold chain logistics service quality. It can be said that with international standards to promote the development of cold chain logistics.
In cold chain we often use water freezer, frozen meat dish machine, food preservation borneol machine, food chiller, food storage, in the domestic sales of these machines have increased year by year, technology has also made rapid development.
For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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