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East Star cooling tower system design six considerations
2017-05-08 08:39:50http://www.szdxj.com admin
East Star cooling tower system design six considerations
East Star cooling tower in the use of system design is a very important link, the following will give you a summary of seven points on the East Star cooling tower system design needs to be considered.
1, the cooling capacity of the cooling tower must be tested in the system.
2, for the use of indirect cooling system, heat exchanger recommended plate type, because the plate heat exchanger is more efficient than the traditional.
3, in the direct cooling system to pay attention to the characteristics of cooling water filter.
4, for the cooling tower cooling system should pay attention to the conversion of special cooling pump. And bypass equipment.
5, to consider the ambient temperature of the cooling tower, cooling packing size. Multiple cooling systems can be used in tandem to increase cooling effectiveness.
6, cooling tower in winter, must take into account its antifreeze facilities.
East Star cooling tower in the system design must be taken into account, only better system design to make the cooling tower efficiency to the best condition. Therefore, we must put the above six points in the system design must be taken seriously, not sloppy.
For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com
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