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"East Star" brand industrial cold water machine enterprise refrigeration good companion
2017-05-04 09:04:22http://www.szdxj.com admin
East Star refrigeration industry is the production of refrigeration partners, which is due to the domestic market demand and rising temperatures caused by. We first talk about the domestic market demand, as a result of the introduction of some of the country's policies, for some enterprises played a role in the development and promotion. For the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, electronics industry, scientific research industry, food industry, plastic industry, the state has some corresponding planning, and in these industries, are inseparable from industrial refrigeration equipment.
At present, the sales volume and output of domestic industrial refrigeration equipment have been much higher than that of industrial refrigeration products. In the field of industrial refrigeration technology, domestic industrial refrigeration technology is gradually mature. For the rapid development of our company, has been deeply felt in recent years, industrial refrigeration equipment production and change.
Now many businesses, manufacturing, industrial refrigeration equipment are energy saving, environmental protection. Have begun to use some of the new refrigeration technology and technology, and continue to study and break through the industrial refrigeration technology problems, discuss the new industrial refrigeration equipment market time. With the technical update, will allow more friends are interested in understanding industrial refrigeration equipment.
I believe a lot of friends in the understanding, will choose a suitable industrial refrigeration equipment. In many brands, mostly used "East Star" brand of cold water machine, the reason is because our services in place, products of good quality, reasonable price, professional manufacturers, customers can also to visit our scale and product.
Such as the use of industrial enterprises in the production of products, if in the purchase and use of the method will not cause damage to the machine. So in the choice of products, we must learn the use and maintenance of related products. In this way we will avoid damage to the machine. As long as it is in our company to buy industrial refrigeration equipment, our company will provide free training services.
For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



公司电话:0755-81715045  0755-81715587



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Copyright; Shenzhen City, East Star Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong -2 09046816 ICP