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How to correctly apply the chiller in the printing industry
2017-05-03 08:44:14http://www.szdxj.com admin
We all know that the origin of printing in our country is very early, the current domestic brush industry can be described as universal. We should brush before the main industry is the production of packaging paper, along with the continuous development of papermaking industry of science and technology more and more developed. The best proof is the birth of carbonless copy paper.
Shenzhen East Star chiller said carbonless paper, many manufacturers in the production of carbonless copy paper, always do not know how to correctly use! Let Dongxing Xiaobian talk briefly about how to correctly use the cold water machine in the production process of carbonless copy paper.
The working principle of the printing machine is ink clutch, understand? Cold water machine is a bridge to stick on the water of each color group, through the cold water machine to pump the water to each color group of the water on the plate, in the pass through bridge rollers to stick in version for water does not account for part of the ink, not accounted for accounted for part of the ink water. You will be able to produce the picture you want, a piece of white paper, you can see. The space is occupied by water, there is no part of the painting or the word.
After reading, we all know how to correctly use the cold water in the printing process! Need to remind you of the cold water chiller is very high requirements: water quality, temperature, conductivity, pH value, etc..
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