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Oil level, oil temperature and oil pressure on the cold water machine?
2017-05-02 14:42:30http://www.szdxj.com admin
Oil level, oil temperature and oil pressure on the cold water machine?
Oil level height
The height of the liquid level in the oil storage vessel. The oil storage tank of the water chiller is provided with an oil level display device, and the oil level in the oil storage container which is generally specified should be located at the 5mm level of the central level of the mirror. The purpose is to ensure that the oil level is to ensure that the oil pump at work, the formation of oil circulation when the amount of oil required. Oil level is too low is easy to cause the oil pump is insufficient, can cause the operation breakdown or the damage equipment.
Two, oil temperature
Oil temperature, refers to the working temperature of the lubricating oil. The oil temperature has an important influence on the viscosity of lubricating oil. Oil temperature is too low, so the increase of oil viscosity, liquidity is reduced, is not easy to form a uniform oil film lubrication, so the expected effect is not reached, the flow velocity will also cause reducing the oil, the lubricating oil pump to reduce the amount of power consumption increases; the oil temperature is too high, oil viscosity will decrease, the oil film is not up to a certain thickness, so that the operation of parts required to bear the pressure of work, resulting in lubricant deterioration, the moving parts wear intensifies, resulting in cold water machine failure.
Three, oil pressure difference
It is the protection of the lubricating oil in the oil pipeline to the working parts of the flow to overcome the flow resistance. There is not enough pressure, it can not ensure the lubrication system of chillers with sufficient lubrication and cooling oil and power driven energy regulation device need therefore, cold water hydraulic oil system must ensure that the difference in a reasonable scope, in order to set moving parts to lubricate and cooling control, energy regulator flexible.
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