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Self checking method for common problems of cold water compressor
2017-05-02 14:09:04http://www.szdxj.com admin
We all know that for our industrial chiller industry, the compressor is the core component of our equipment, whether it is normal operation will be directly related to the normal use and production of our enterprises. But there is a problem, when there is a problem, there are usually a small number of self inspection methods, so that we can also find their own problems, today, East Star Xiaobian and we look together:
1 first check whether the compressor can be started, the measurement of the compressor voltage is normal.
2 if the voltage is normal, check the static resistance. Static resistance voltage balance, stability. If the resistance is not balanced, see if the motor is short circuited. Is there any problem with winding. If the resistance is stable, see if the temperature of the compressor is stable. If the temperature is too high, it is necessary to cool for some time. 2-3 hours try again.
3 if it is normal to see if the bearing is healthy.
4 check the screw compressor is strong, there is no slip, collapse situation.
5 test current is stable. Cold water machine is too high.
6 if the compressor is too large to see the cooling effect of the compressor, whether the overheating.
7 check whether the compressor is reversed. Compressor has been damaged. If the suction and exhaust pressure is found to be low or high, it is generally a problem of the chiller system.
8 when the exhaust pressure is low, the defrosting system is normal, if there is a cold water machine, there will be noise, is normal.
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