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How does the number of cold water machine come?
2017-04-22 08:27:44http://www.szdxj.com admin
      In accordance with the nominal cooling capacity of the chiller for every 2500W 1, not the power of the compressor.
      "The horse" in the air conditioning industry is a relatively obscure, we used to call the air conditioning and refrigeration capacity of air conditioning units; actually the national standards, air conditioning product nameplate, use installation instructions and other formal information which can not find the horse as a unit, air conditioning and refrigeration capacity of descriptive content, but with regular W and kW to describe the air conditioning and refrigeration capacity.
      Usually refers to air conditioning cooling capacity of each 2500W as a KFR-25, such as air conditioning for an air-conditioning, KFR-50 for 2 air conditioners for household air conditioning; we spend more time with the habit of calling, such as the KFR-23 as a "small one" air conditioning, KFR-35 less than 1.5 horses are called the 1.5. KFR-32, known as the 1.25 horse, KFR-71 called 3 horse etc..
      To determine the size of air conditioning when in accordance with the proposed air-conditioning the nominal, with W or kW as the name of the unit cooling capacity as the basis for the selection in the selection; generally in accordance with the cooling capacity of 160 ~ 220W/ square to determine the using area of the room, the room for insulation condition, the room towards the factors such as different.
       For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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