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Condenser effect analysis of industrial chiller
2017-04-20 08:43:30http://www.szdxj.com admin
      The condenser is one of the key parts of our industrial chiller, its main function is to heat equipment, the evaporator absorbs heat with the power of the compressor transformed by heat transfer of the cooling medium away. According to the different types of units and the use of units, the condenser is not the same. The air-cooled chiller is a finned condenser, and the water-cooled chiller is a shell and tube condenser.
Today, East Star small series and we come together to analyze the condenser on the industrial chiller cooling influence what:
   1, reduce the content of non condensable gas vapor
      If the gas containing air or vapor refrigerant and lubricant decomposition at high temperature, when the refrigerant vapor condenses into liquid, non condensable gas cooling but still the gaseous state is the condenser wall is covered with a layer of gas layer, additional thermal resistance increases, the surface heat transfer coefficient decreased sharply. The partial pressure of non condensable gas will reduce the effect of the steam, condensate, gas film formed at the same time will be adhered on the surface of the condenser, and through this layer of film in the surface of the steam condensation to form diffusion, condensation on the surface, so it is equivalent to increasing the resistance.
   2, reduce the oil vapor
       When the amount of the lubricating oil filling industrial chillers, heat transfer surface lubricating oil directly into the condenser and evaporator, into why they are exactly the same as oil film is formed on the surface of the heat transferring effect of heat transfer, resulting in poor heat transfer, the condensing temperature, bad cooling effect.
   3, refrigerant condensation method
       The heat transfer of the superheated steam in the condenser wall is a cooling condensation process. In the cooling stage, the refrigerant is released to the condenser wall in the form of sensible heat. In the condensation stage, the refrigerant takes out two kinds of different heat transfer modes, such as film condensation and bead condensation, to extract the latent heat.
        For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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