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The advantage of low temperature water cooler in industrial refrigeration
2017-04-19 09:13:11http://www.szdxj.com admin
     Low temperature cold water machine is mainly used in cold environment of the enterprise, due to the low temperature cold water machine can be achieved between 0 DEG -40 DEG freely adjust the refrigeration function without difficulty, therefore can meet the domestic demand for change in temperature field, due to the low temperature cold water machine mainly under air cooling to zero temperature, need air the water vapor condenses into water, so the modern cold water machine equipment is usually need dehumidifier and compressor auxiliary work.
    In comparison with ordinary refrigerator, the temperature of -20 DEG /-25 DEG low temperature cold water machine can realize the chilled water inlet and water; cooling air temperature and 30 DEG /38 DEG from the data, we can see the low temperature cold water machine working efficiency is very good, because the low temperature cold water machine, more than 80% of the domestic use of imported low-temperature compressor, in under the guarantee of adequate working efficiency, can greatly prolong the service life of the chiller temperature, save a large number of enterprises for later maintenance costs.
    Low temperature cold water machine with advanced technology of new low temperature cold water machine adopts the international famous brand enterprises as parts suppliers, due to the quality of the accessories is excellent, compared with ordinary refrigeration equipment, cold water machine running state is more stable, at the same time can provide the lower temperature, with good water pump help to achieve the purpose of high flow, at the same time improve the body to withstand low temperatures, high efficiency in protecting the environment, low temperature cold water machine also has long service life, low failure rate.
    The traditional refrigeration machine accessories is relatively backward, and the low temperature cold water machine adopts full stainless steel water tank type evaporator, automatic replenishment process and all timely and effectively under the control of the microcomputer, so the low temperature cold water machine in the maintenance process, the cleaning process is very simple, fully benefited from the design quality.
    Due to the low temperature cold water machine with advanced technology, simple process and maintenance, even failure, also can easily complete the repair process, the present method of maintenance new gradually replaced the traditional maintenance method, using life to provide protection for the extension of low temperature cold water machine.
    For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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