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Why does the electronic fan of air cooled industrial refrigerator often fail?
2017-04-15 09:01:46http://www.szdxj.com admin
    The root cause of the failure of electronic fan
    1, when we use the industrial refrigerator, if the long-term use of equipment without any effective protection, then the use of equipment safety will be seriously affected. Enterprises can be based on the specific use of the environment, and then targeted to develop a good industrial refrigerator maintenance and maintenance plan, then the probability of failure of electronic fan equipment is very low. On the contrary, in the absence of any protective measures, the use of industrial refrigerators, equipment will inevitably have a variety of failures, a direct threat to the life of the equipment.
    2, if the industrial refrigerator in the operation of the electronic fan does not have an effective lubrication, then the industrial refrigerator electronic fan inside the inevitable wear fault. When the wear range is relatively large, the device is prone to uneven heat failure. Because a lot of calories without timely lead out, electronic fan internal temperature increasing. When the temperature exceeds the value of the equipment, the industrial refrigerator will produce a variety of faults, a serious threat to the normal use of equipment.
    Find the root cause of the failure to avoid affecting the normal operation of the equipment
    When using industrial freezers, timely according to the specific conditions of industrial operation of the refrigerator is analyzed, judged whether the equipment has fault, can improve the operation safety and stability of equipment.         Especially for a lot longer service life of industrial refrigerator, refrigerator industry avoid failure as long as the electronic fan, can improve the safety of equipment, equipment to prevent various accidents, threat to the normal use of industrial refrigerator enterprises.
    If an electronic fan is in trouble, the enterprise needs to be examined carefully before using an industrial freezer.       Based on the exclusion of parts failure, need to find the root cause of the cooling problem, only to maintain the normal operation of refrigerator industry, to increase the use of safety equipment, provide the conditions for prolonging the service life of the equipment.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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