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East Star tell you what is the water source heat pump technology
2017-04-13 08:43:14http://www.szdxj.com admin
      In recent years, heat pump technology as an important energy-saving emission reduction technology, the market prospect is very broad. More and more countries and government enterprises aware of the energy saving and environmental benefits can be brought about by heat pump, market data also shows that the future development trend is good. Now, because of renewable energy as heat source to heat pump system affected by the change, according to the actual situation in various countries and regions are different, the composite heat pump technology can achieve better effect of energy saving and environmental protection. Because of this, various countries and regions due to the actual situation is different, the ground source heat pump technology is also different from the heat exchanger, the heat pump unit to the system control optimization and other aspects of research. It is worth mentioning that the application of various types of heat pump in different buildings and optimization of heat pump technology is one of the focus of research.
     Today, East Star small to give you about what is the water source heat pump technology: water source heat pump technology is low temperature heat surface shallow water resources such as the absorption of solar energy and geothermal groundwater, rivers and lakes formed by the earth, and the heat pump principle, through a small amount of high energy input, to achieve a low heat energy technology transfer to high heat.
     The earth's surface shallow water depth in groundwater, such as surface within 1000 meters of the rivers and lakes and oceans, the solar radiation energy is absorbed into the earth, and water temperatures are generally very stable. The working principle of water source heat pump unit is the building in the summer heat transferred to the water, the water temperature is low, so the heat can be removed efficiently, while in winter, the energy extracted from water by the heat pump principle by air or water as coolant temperature after the upgrade to the building. Usually water source heat pump consumes 1kW of energy, the user can get more than 4kW of heat or cold.
    For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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