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Unusual type of air cooled modular chiller
2017-04-12 08:21:25http://www.szdxj.com admin
Unusual type of air cooled modular chiller
     Air cooled chiller module is based on the air as cold (hot) water chiller unit is divided into medium, cold and heat pump, the heat pump type air cooled chiller module in the refrigeration and heating functions for cooling and heating, the use of a machine, so the air cooled chiller module belong to chanlengxing.
     Industrial chiller eliminates the necessary cooling water system cooling tower, water pump, boiler and other corresponding piping systems and many other accessories, the system has the advantages of simple structure, installation space, convenient maintenance and management and energy saving, avoid water quality caused by the poor area of the condenser fouling, pipe blockage phenomenon it also saves water resources.
  Special type air cooled screw chiller
      The key component of air cooled screw chiller compressor using the screw so named air-cooled screw chiller unit, refrigerant evaporator by out of state for the gas compressor; the insulating compressed into a state of high temperature and high pressure compressed refrigerant gas in the condenser, isobaric cooling condensation, condensation after changing into liquid refrigerant through the throttle valve, and low pressure expansion, into a gaseous mixture. The liquid refrigerant in the low pressure and low temperature absorbs the heat of the cooling material in the evaporator, and then changes into the gaseous refrigerant. The gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor through the pipeline to start a new cycle. This is the four process of the refrigeration cycle, is the main working principle of screw chiller.
      Air cooled screw type cold water heat pump unit is a circulating system composed of compressor, heat exchanger, throttle, heat absorber and compressor. Refrigerant circulating in the system under the action of the compressor. It completes the gaseous boost in the compressor heating process (temperature up to 100 DEG C), it enters the heat exchanger for heat exchange with the wind, and is cooled into liquid flow, when it runs into the receiver after the rapid evaporation of liquid again into gaseous, and the temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees - 30 C, then heat the surrounding air will Everfount the low-temperature heat transfer to the refrigerant. The continuous circulation of the refrigerant realizes the transformation of the low temperature heat into the high temperature heat and the cold water heating process.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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