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Rainbow days, East Star Refrigeration Products in short supply
2017-04-11 10:24:32http://www.szdxj.com admin
Rainbow days, East Star Refrigeration Products in short supply
      [Rainbow Night, East Star Refrigeration industrial chiller sales soared contrarian] when the global economy is still in the winter period, the global economy is low-spirited, slow domestic economic growth to become the new norm of economic development, and the national economy has accelerated signs of decline, the refrigeration industry development are increasing difficult. But the East Star has sprung up, through deepening the transformation of the product structure, and strive to improve customer service levels, a full range of potential customer demand mining, resulting in the East Star Refrigeration Industry cold water machine sales continued to rise.
      With the arrival of summer, summer is the industrial chiller demand high period, whether the blow molding machine, plastic factory of the injection molding machine, coating machine, or battery factory dehumidifier, or electronic factory wire cutting machine and other mechanical equipment in the production process, high temperature directly leads to the product yield decreased.
     The East Star Industrial refrigerator is convenient to move, simple operation, compact structure, exquisite appearance, stable performance, durable, affordable and other performance advantages become one of the main options for refrigeration cooling industry. Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration industrial refrigerator volume shipments enough to witness the industrial refrigerator in the market demand, industrial refrigeration equipment with high efficiency and energy saving through work, can reduce the temperature to 3-35 Deg. C, for specific industries, can also control the temperature at -40 deg..
     Why say that the East Star Industrial refrigerators efficient energy saving? First, for the screw chiller, screw compressor can be done using a four segment type stepless capacity regulation or regulation capacity, can avoid industrial refrigerator full load operation. Second, all from the industry out of the frozen water in the refrigerator for cooling equipment, temperature will rise after cooling after continue to enter the industrial refrigerator freezer, frozen after the frozen water to cooling equipment, the cycle of work. Therefore, the circulating water is recycled, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving.
     For more information, please call 0755-81715587, Mr. Wang 13923464030, the company website http://www.szdxj.com



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