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The survival way of independent innovation enterprises
2017-04-10 08:01:43http://www.szdxj.com admin
      2016 throughout the current international economic environment in this era of big reshuffle, innovation is the only way out. The industry before fish, now fast fish eat slow, and specialization, innovation is a necessary condition for better and faster development of enterprises. For enterprises, the product is the heart of the enterprise only independent innovation has its own high-tech products, enterprises can move towards the development of the industry, the fast track to achieve a qualitative leap.
      Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration Co., Ltd. since its establishment more than and 10 years, "independent innovation, driven development" has been our business has come to the real concept. Review the history, we had a small workshop type processing, development of existing employees more than hundreds of people, business in many parts of the country, is the fundamental driving force of independent innovation, independent innovation is our unshakable elite. First, an enterprise can long-term survival and development, to obtain long-term competitive advantage, and even make a hundred years old, no innovation is impossible, innovation is the only way to achieve long-term development, a lot of enterprise innovation in a period of time, the development is very prosperous, but over the years, the the enterprise does not exist, because there is no continuous innovation, causing a recession. In the same enterprise, there are some more advanced products over a period of time, but there is no follow-up, this is also a lack of results led to continuous innovation, only continue to accumulate and carry out the innovation, the enterprise can survive and develop, so innovation is the enterprise survival fundamental. To innovate is to constantly improve the enterprises of all employees, differentiation strategy consciousness of innovation, and to carry out the action, and now the government, enterprises and social aspects in the development of innovative planning, but planning implementation often there is a huge difference, and ultimately may not be able to reach the target of planning, so the enterprise should pay attention to is the implementation of innovative measures to continuously improve the ability of innovation, enterprises can develop faster and better.
      The second level of innovation should include operation innovation, innovative technology products and services, innovation and other aspects of innovation and strategic management, operation innovation includes innovative business models, combined with venture capital and other financial services, we have talked about Apple's enterprise business model innovation in recent 5 years, doing 6 very beautiful, so they can reach 100 billion dollars in revenue this year, profits can reach 25 billion dollars, the goal of the profit may be ranked first in the world's top 500 enterprises, should be said that we learn the case. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy in 10 years ago, now Apple's success is the biggest contribution to innovation, including the designer's creativity and imagination, innovation and marketing operation mode, some measures and the protection of intellectual property rights, innovation level of integration in all aspects, in order to truly realize the value maximization, many enterprises consider in terms of products more, on the other hand input energy and attention is not enough, this is the final result of our innovation greatly.
      The protection measures of the innovation, can provide more direct support to innovation in the organizational structure, the internal experts are not otherwise, otherwise they would not make a successful innovation, experts in-depth market line, the experience gained from the customer to know innovation, together with customers build a joint innovation center, but also with other departments to carry out cooperation, including government, strategic suppliers, universities, research institutes, such as joint research and innovation, give full play to the role of downstream, the organization can be the actual situation, has certain guiding power to enterprise internal research department and prediction mechanism, play a positive role in guiding.
      The reform in the budget, the need to strengthen the assessment of incentives for innovation, the budget can consider the establishment of internal corporate venture capital fund, venture capital can promote the whole company innovation mode from the bottom up, give full play to the creativity of employees in the enterprise are often the top leading decision-making power, but the real needs of the majority of employees creativity mobilization, establish we need the corresponding mechanism and the cultural atmosphere, and enterprise venture capital is highly effective catalyst, the enterprise internal venture capital is not confined to research and development, sales and logistics market across the fields, each project initial investment is not much, according to the development of the follow-up can continue to increase investment, venture capital is allowed 100 thousand, but not to encourage people to spend money, have a good effect on the culture of the company.
     In recent years, with the continuous development of enterprises, to explore and try, introduced more than some specific event measures several aspects, now we have established the long-term incentive mechanism innovation difference, covering technology innovation, product and solution innovation, service innovation and management innovation.
     For more information, please call 0755-81715587, Mr. Wang 13923464030, the company website http://www.szdxj.com



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