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Why is the cooling unit operating efficiency decreased in winter
2016-11-24 08:56:44http://www.szdxj.com admin

Why is the cooling unit operating efficiency decreased in winter

In the refrigeration industry, the operation efficiency of the refrigeration unit has always been the focus of attention. Especially in the cold winter, the efficiency of operation of refrigeration units has become a major problem for a lot of people have a headache? It is cold in winter in the north is more obvious, then some refrigeration unit will encounter condensation pressure is too low, insufficient cooling capacity, loss increase, mechanical wear serious problems caused by inefficient operation or shutdown unit. So how to make the refrigeration units in the winter to ensure efficient and stable operation of today's East Star Refrigeration small series and we have a secret.

There are many causes, reasons of the low efficiency of the refrigeration unit including: refrigeration compressor exhaust volume, is less than the rated value, there may be a gap or individual cylinder piston wear of valve plate deformation defects lead to high voltage leakage. Condenser heat radiation is also likely to cause a decline in operating efficiency of the chiller unit, the specific performance of the condenser heat exchange area is not enough, aging, change the air volume is not enough, scaling, and so on. The cooling capacity of the evaporator is not up to the standard, which is an important factor that affects the efficiency of the unit. As the heat exchange area of the evaporator is not enough, the heat transfer efficiency is affected by the aging of the evaporator, frost, icing, and too much internal oil pollution. In the cold winter, by the impact of climate and geography, the refrigeration unit is more prone to instability and low efficiency of the situation. Generally in winter, the low efficiency of the operation efficiency of fluorine refrigeration unit is mainly due to the low condensation pressure caused by the shortage of liquid supply. In addition, the lack of fuel supply caused frequent start, it is possible to reduce the efficiency of the cooling unit.

What are the reasons for the low efficiency of the refrigerating unit? Including: refrigeration compressor exhaust volume is not enough, not up to the rated value, there may be individual valve deformation defects or wear in cylinder piston clearance leads to high voltage leakage. Condenser heat dissipation of the unit is also likely to cause a decline in the operating efficiency of the chiller, the specific performance of the condenser heat exchange area is too small, aging, change the wind is not enough, scaling and so on. The cooling capacity of the evaporator is not up to the standard, which is an important factor that affects the efficiency of the unit. As the heat exchange area of the evaporator is not enough, the heat transfer efficiency is affected by the aging of the evaporator, frost, icing, and too much internal oil pollution. In the cold winter, affected by the weather and the region, the refrigeration unit is more prone to instability and low efficiency of the situation. Generally in winter, the low efficiency of the operation efficiency of fluorine refrigeration unit is mainly due to the low condensation pressure caused by the shortage of liquid supply. In addition, the lack of fuel supply caused frequent start, it is possible to reduce the efficiency of the cooling unit.

There are many causes, reasons of the low efficiency of the refrigeration unit including: refrigeration compressor exhaust amount is not enough, not up to the rated value, there may be individual valve deformation defect or cylinder piston wear gap as a result of high and low voltage leakage. Condenser heat radiation is also likely to cause a decline in operating efficiency of the chiller unit, the specific performance is due to insufficient heat exchange area of the condenser, aging, inadequate air flow, scaling, etc.. The cooling capacity of the evaporator is not up to the standard, which is an important factor that affects the efficiency of the unit. Because of the shortage of the heat exchange area of the evaporator, the heat transfer efficiency is influenced by the aging of the evaporator, the frost, the icing, the internal oil pollution and so on. In the cold winter, the influence of the region and the climate, the refrigeration unit is more prone to instability and low efficiency. In general, the low efficiency of the operation efficiency of fluorine refrigeration unit is mainly due to the low condensation pressure caused by the shortage of liquid supply. In addition, the lack of fuel supply caused frequent start, it is possible to reduce the efficiency of the cooling unit.



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