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The choice of cold water machine is to consider the price or quality
2016-09-28 08:36:50 admin
In the cold water machine industry to do so for a long time, all kinds of customers see more, all kinds of problems also see more, most let people tangled or price and quality problems. Most of the engineers in the purchase of cold water machine, fancy the quality and performance of the machine will be more general procurement in consultation with the cold water machine, fancy price will be a little more.
Why does this phenomenon appear? Mainly procurement cost control is related to a company's production costs, it is related to the interests of the company, so they pay more attention to the price of water cooler. Our cold water machine manufacturer, we are more concerned about the customer use of our machines, because the same price you can buy many kinds of parameters of different machines in the market, so what kind of model and parameters is the most suitable for you? Is it the cheapest price? That is certainly not good, with the cheapest price to buy one of the most suitable for their own machine, it is the company's biggest loss. Http://www.szdxj.com



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