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Industry open type refrigeration unit has been the favorite market models
2016-08-17 08:42:59 admin
1, reduce the condensing temperature in meet the premise of safety equipment and production demand [J] as far as possible to increase the evaporation temperature and reduce the condensing temperature. to this end
To increase the transformation of cooling tower to ensure the exergy efficiency of cooling water.
2, adjust the reasonable operating load of the refrigeration equipment to ensure the safe operation of the equipment, the main engine running on the 70%-80% load
The power consumption of unit cooling capacity is smaller than that of 1OO% load. Use this mode to combine the water pump, cooling tower operating conditions
3. To prevent and reduce the pipeline scaling to improve condenser and evaporator for thermal efficiency of water if the water treatment do not [J] calcium bicarbonate
And magnesium bicarbonate and heat caused by calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate deposition in pipeline. The thermal conductivity decreased influence of condenser and evaporator for exergy
The thermal efficiency and exergy to make the equipment electricity increased significantly. At this time in addition to the use of water treatment technology can also use exergy automatic cleaning piping
Equipment for pipeline cleaning.
4, the refrigerating machine frequency conversion device [J] regulating the rotational speed of the centrifugal refrigeration compressor low pressure refrigerant after centrifuge [J] pressure increases. leave
The machine speed is larger the higher pressure exergy. In the actual operation of exergy equipment mostly in non full load operation. Fixed speed centrifuge at
Small equipment load exergy resulted in a waste of energy. The variable frequency centrifugal refrigeration machine according to the change of the load automatically adjust the compressor speed exergy exergy
Energy saving space is relatively large. Http://www.szdxj.com
Scope of application of low temperature cold water machine:
Freezer refrigeration temperature range of - 30 DEG C ~ 35 DEG C, cooling speed, safe and reliable, for gas and liquid fast refrigeration, wide
Pan should be used in chemical, pharmaceutical, biochemical and other industries low-temperature reaction, vacuum coating, low temperature impact test of metallic materials, electronic and electrical equipment
Material low temperature test, low temperature alloy material processing, mold, tool cooling and other occasions. Huizhou cold water machine



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Copyright; Shenzhen City, East Star Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong -2 09046816 ICP