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Constant temperature and humidity cooling and humidifying process
2016-07-05 08:32:35 admin
Constant temperature and humidity box machine is the product is placed in the provisions of the temperature and humidity, see the product of high temperature resistant, resistant to low temperature, and humidity resistance, then constant temperature and humidity is also with heating, cooling, humidifying and dehumidifying capacity.
Cooling is an important part of the constant temperature and humidity box, it is to determine the important parameters of a constant temperature and humidity machine performance is good or bad. It includes compressor, condenser, evaporator, a throttling device composed of four. Compressor has been the heart of refrigeration system, it is inhaled low temperature and low pressure gas, into the gas of high temperature and high pressure, through the condensed into a liquid, heat is released, and through the fan to remove heat, so under the constant temperature and humidity box it is hot air, and then through the throttle to low pressure liquid body. Secondly, through the evaporator become low temperature and low pressure gas and finally back to the compressor; refrigerant in the evaporator absorbs heat gasification process and absorb heat, to achieve the purpose of cooling, constant temperature and humidity box cooling process.
The heating device is to control the temperature and humidity is not warming up the key link; it is the controller instruction when the output voltage to the heating relay, about 3-12 VDC in solid state relay above; it is equivalent to the AC side wire connection; contactor also pull the ends of the heater voltage through the heat, wind circulation machine to drive the heat to the heating box, constant temperature and humidity box, the temperature reached the set value of you; controller by adding off adjustment in the solid relay; we see on the screen to adjust the heat output of the heating under constant temperature and humidity control box; this is the temperature above 89 degrees, 89 degrees on how to control the following temperature stability? Constant temperature and humidity box is by the side of the solid state relay heat output how many; through another compressor refrigeration cycle cooling to achieve dynamic balance; temperature constant.
Drop wet system also depend on refrigeration system complete, evaporator placed in constant temperature and humidity box; cold, constant temperature and humidity box of high humidity gas meet cold object condensed into a liquid; so repeatedly box of high humidity gas will rarely, to reduce wet objective.
Roughly the same humidification system and heating system; it is a heater for heating water into steam; constant temperature and humidity humidifier to complete.



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