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Special type air cooled screw type water heat pump unit
2016-06-15 07:58:55 admin
Air cooled screw chiller, the key component of compressor using screw so named air cooled screw chiller, the unit is a gas refrigerant from the evaporator; after the compressor insulating compressed into the state of high temperature and high pressure, after being compressed refrigerant gas in the condenser, isobaric cooling and condensation, the condensed changes the liquid refrigerant, and after the throttle expansion pressure into a gaseous mixture. Low pressure and low temperature liquid refrigerant in the evaporator to absorb the heat of the cooled material, and then changed to gaseous refrigerant. Gaseous refrigerant through the pipeline to re-enter the compressor, began a new cycle. This is the four process of the refrigeration cycle, but also the main working principle of the screw type water chiller.
The air cooled screw type water heat pump unit is composed of a compressor, a heat exchanger, a throttling device, a heat absorber, a compressor and other devices. Refrigerant flow in the system under the action of the compressor. In the compressor complete boost in the form of a gas heating process (temperature up to 100 DEG C), it enters heat exchanger and air to exchange heat, cooling and transformed into liquid flow, when it runs to the heat absorber, liquid rapidly heat absorption and evaporation converted back to a gaseous state. At the same time the temperature dropped to minus 20 DEG to 30 DEG C, then the periphery of the heat absorber air will continuously will low temperature heat transfer to the refrigerant. Cooling medium continuously cycle to achieve the low temperature heat in the air into a high temperature heat and heat the cold water process.



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