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Cold water machine in the vacuum coating process will play what role
2016-06-13 08:01:54 admin
If vacuum coating machine is generally to be equipped with a cold water machine as a coating machine (mainly cylindrical target) cooling equipment. So what is the role of the cold water machine in the end of the vacuum coating process or coating equipment?
The principle of vacuum coating is that the film is evaporated on the surface of the workpiece at high temperature. Due to the air on evaporation and membrane molecule will generate resistance caused by collisions make crystals become rough and free light, so the production must be under high vacuum to make crystal fine bright, if the vacuum degree is not high, node crystals will lose luster and binding force is very poor.
In the early stage of vacuum coating, the vacuum coating was based on the natural scattering of the evaporation body, and combined with the poor efficiency and low gloss difference. Now add the medium frequency magnetron sputtering target magnetron target shooting the film evaporation of molecules under the action of the electric field accelerated bombardment of the target, sputtering of a large number of target atoms, a neutral target atoms (or molecules) deposition to the substrate film to solve the past natural evaporation can not be processed film varieties, such as titanium zirconium plating and so on.
If the equipment must be added to the cooling water, the reason is that it is a high frequency of high current. The current in the conductor flow has a skin effect, the charge will be gathered in the conductivity of the surface area, so that the conductance of heat so the use of the middle hole tube to do the middle of water cooling.



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