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Stationary equipment for basic principles of industrial cold water machine cooling
2016-06-11 08:19:13 admin
Chiller system in addition to the refrigeration compressor meet the basic principle of refrigeration equipment still often referred to main equipment, such as condensers, evaporators; ensure that the other system function of static equipment, said auxiliary equipment, such as storage tank, a vapor liquid separator, low-pressure circulation barrel etc..
Cold water machine is a pressure vessel, before installation should note check factory whether the pressure vessel completion pattern (if modification in the original blueprint, you must to modify, technical audit to confirm the marker, and wants to build a stamp as built drawings), a certificate of product quality, pressure vessel safety quality supervision and inspection certificate. Pressure vessels of pressure components manufacturing units, should refer to the product quality certificate of the relevant content to provide users with technical information. After the completion of the pressure vessel in the spot welding, the construction unit shall provide the technical documents and information in front of the construction unit. In accordance with the relevant provisions, will also provide the technical information of group welding and quality inspection. Of course, the welding personnel of the pressure vessel in the field group must have the corresponding professional certificate.
The cold water machine should be inspected and properly kept after the scene. The seal has been opened to seal, to prevent dirt into, reduce corrosion. To put long design, preparation, before the installation, should be internal check whether there is corrosion or contamination, and compression (3) pouring the foundation to according to the specific equipment of screw placement model, and pre embedded anchor bolts. The template must be level off, the size must be correct, and the level of the level. When casting concrete, the anchor bolt position cannot move.
Cold water machine installation, as far as possible to reduce the "cold bridge" phenomenon, in addition to the foundation should be added. The use of the mat wood should be pre cooked in the asphalt in order to prevent decay. There should be enough space around the low temperature equipment to ensure the construction of heat insulation layer. Low temperature equipment and its connection between the valve should be set aside the size of the insulation layer thickness, so as to avoid the valve was not in the insulation layer of the cryogenic equipment, the effect of the operation and maintenance of the valve.



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