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What conditions should be added to the screw type water chiller economic device?
2016-05-20 08:18:42 admin
Yuan, after 6 8 flows through the economy with a screw type water chiller refrigeration system has a throttle valve and secondary throttling forms for a throttle system. From the liquid storage device of refrigerant liquid is divided into two branches, mainly from the economic unit in the coil, the release of heat and cold, and then through the throttle valve throttle, into the evaporator in refrigeration, and the other all the way through the throttle valve pressure after entering an economic unit 5 in endothermic and flash gas screw compressor block in the middle of the Qi, to is in the initial compression phase volume, and from the evaporator of the mixed gas to be compressed.
For the secondary throttle screw type water chiller refrigeration system and from reservoir 4 the refrigerant liquid, through the throttle valve 7 reach economic 5, upper part of the flash gas compensating compressor through the mouth into in the compression phase of the element volume, and the original gas continue to be compressed; the lower part of the liquid through the throttle valve 8 second throttle into evaporator in refrigeration. The liquid refrigerant into the evaporator after two times and two times before throttling throttling and the air inlet into the gas at the same temperature.
Whether it is a throttle form, or the two throttle form, is to allow the refrigerant into the evaporator is too cold, and ultimately increase the amount of cooling. Also after Qi the element volume gas mass increase compression work also increases, but increases the efficiency of cooling capacity increases with the ratio of the slow, so to improve the cop of chillers, with energy-saving effect.
For additional economic device of screw type chiller and its refrigeration compressor operating range widely, single stage pressure ratio, the unloading operation can achieve the best operating, and the basic processing single-stage screw refrigeration compressor with the same, the refrigeration system valves and equipment increases not much, as a result of the screw type chiller used in different sectors.



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