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What should be noticed in the industrial production of double head cold water machine?
2016-05-10 08:30:06 admin
Use of multi head cold water machine need to be cautious, any improper operation will lead to failure of equipment. Can avoid equipment to produce various faults, can improve the use of the safety factor of the equipment, so as to achieve the goal of low cost using the cold water machine.
In the use of cold water machine, if the device is a multi head type of products, in the operation of the cold water machine needs to seriously analyze the safety of equipment operation. If the device in operation when a high failure rate, double head running time may be faulty. By using the method of exclusion, can effectively control the nose of the number of running and operation of power, in order to achieve the safety use cold water machine, effectively extending the service life of the chillers.
If the enterprise space is relatively large, need long time uninterrupted use cold water machine to reduce the temperature of a space, in the use of double head cold water machine, need to carefully developed equipment operation plan and equipment to ensure the normal operation can be completed within the planned range and can meet the fast reduction temperature space needs of enterprises.



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