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Analysis of industrial cooling water machine tower maintenance tips
2016-04-29 08:45:10 admin
We know, stainless steel water tower installation is more convenient, high work efficiency, so by the more and more people's favorite, has now become the site and residents, mainly the use of tools. Next, we analyze the industrial cooling water machine tower maintenance tips content.
First, stainless steel water tower after use to first put the hose parts clean, particular attention to clear the play pump grease and the liquid barrel bottom concave part of soil. Especially the excessive pesticide spraying Bordeaux corrosive, it is best to use salt water soak for 1 - 2 hours. Should pay attention to prevent rust. All the machine parts that can be disassembled are to be removed and washed. Spray rod, the inner tube wall of the nozzle must be coated with oil, so as not to damp rust.
Second, check whether the connection is leaking. When using, first install the water tube trial, and then install the other things. When the water to ensure the smooth stainless steel towers, the surface does not exceed the safe water line. Before use, the tower will be opened in advance, the barrel pressure increased to the working pressure, to ensure smooth operation.
Finally, the core component of the electric sprayer is the water pump and the battery. Although there are several types of pumps available on the market, but these pumps are afraid to plug. Therefore must use the clean water to rush the medicine, when the water must use the small filter net to carry on the filter, prevents the clogging.
If the short term does not use the spray, should be the main parts of clean, dry packed, stored in a cool and dry place. If the long-term need not, then the various parts of the metal coated with butter, to prevent rust.
Water cooled screw chiller was discontinued after let the water tower which do not water, will lead to the water pipes in some jam, but also may make next time use is not smooth, so every one or two months use once.
In summary, we analyze the industrial cooling water machine tower maintenance tips have all of the above content, we need to constantly explore and summarize, which can promote the industry development.



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