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Three major" is how to determine the quality of water cooled screw chiller?
2017-10-24 08:41:00 admin
 First of all, water cooled screw chiller compressor as the heart, can not be denied is the most important component, although China's compressor industry developed rapidly in recent years, the quality is improved considerably, but because of limited domestic processing technology and national consciousness in the global scope, regardless of quality or domestic compressor can still relatively low-end stage. A good compressor products not only to run to be stable, but also to ensure good and stable energy efficiency. In order to ensure the quality of water cooled screw chiller for users to buy, use the East Star refrigeration compressor are imported compressor purchased from abroad, such as Taiwan, Germany and other well-known brand Hanbell Pitzer compressor.
     Secondly, the industrial water-cooled screw chiller in the compressor, the rest is the most important is the evaporator and the condenser, evaporator and condenser respectively to the endothermic and exothermic heat effect, can give full play to the efficiency of the compressor is sufficient and appropriate, if insufficient heat exchanger condenser, the cooling effect will directly affect the unit, prone to summer high pressure or even exceed the standard due to high pressure caused by water cooled screw type chiller shutdown protection is more important; the heat transfer of the evaporator, the evaporator heat transfer problems will not only cause the unit efficiency is low, too small will make refrigerant cannot be completely evaporated, directly back to the compressor caused by liquid hammer, damage the compressor, so that the whole water cooled screw chiller can use.
     Finally, it is the expansion valve, the expansion valve in the refrigeration system of water cooled screw chiller is flow regulating valve, throttle valve and refrigeration equipment, which is installed between the drying filter and evaporator in refrigeration equipment, temperature sensing bag is wrapped in it at the outlet of the evaporator. Its main role is to make the refrigerant liquid with high pressure and normal temperature in the flow through the thermostatic expansion valve throttle step-down, into a low-temperature low-pressure refrigerant vapor (mostly liquid, small part of steam) into the evaporator, vaporization in the evaporator endothermic, and achieve the purpose of refrigeration.



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